An international conference will open Hungary Innovation Week, a series of events organised by the Hungarian Innovation Agency (NIÜ). The Hungary Innovation Summit is the flagship event for those interested in innovation, technological developments and innovative ideas. The Summit’s keynote speaker will be Jon Medved, founder and CEO of the global venture capital platform OurCrowd.
The Hungary Innovation Summit will feature presentations, workshops and panel discussions with national and international experts discussing the future of innovation, the societal challenges of new technologies and internationally successful models for building innovation ecosystems. The event will provide an excellent opportunity for networking, exchange of experience and new collaborations, fostering the development of the national and international innovation ecosystem. Representatives from companies and organisations such as OurCrowd, Richter, Bosch, Wigner Physics Research Centre, SZTAKI, Evosoft, Dealroom, OECD, Deep Ecosystem, as well as Austrian and Czech innovation agencies will present or exchange ideas on stage.
At the event, experts from leading Hungarian R&D companies will discuss the impact of R&D on the business itself and the innovation ecosystem. We will also learn about the work and best practices of some international innovation agencies (Austrian, Czech) and the rise of artificial intelligence and bionics. In addition, three sessions (Innovation, Startups, University-Business Partnerships) will discuss topics such as social innovation; successful entrepreneurs learning from failure; methods for measuring innovation; and the ideal development of startup ecosystems. But there will also be a fascinating debate on whether society needs more basic or applied research (or both).